Hello September!
Welcome, and thanks for stopping by to check my website out! If you have questions about yoga, practice or the studio, chances are you’ll find an answer here.
Hi Everyone! Hope you enjoyed your holiday and you came back with wonderful moments. My yoga classes from 20 th September.
Have you been feeling fatigued, irritable or just a little “off” lately? You might be going through hormonal imbalance. My Happy Hormones class is the perfect way to bring your out-of-whack hormones back in balance.
And to celebrate our new season, I’ll have a special offer for my new Members!
I’m excited that you’ll be joining us soon, Carina
Bonjour! J’espère que vous avez passé de belles vacances reposantes et ressourçantes! Un petit mot pour vous dire que je reprends les cours et le coaching dès lundi 20 Septembre, avec un programme « spécial rentrée » pour garder votre vitalité et préparer l’automne qui arrive à petits pas…dans la joie et la bonne humeur comme toujours! Je vous dis à très vite avec plaisir! Carina
I am new to yoga, what classes are suitable for me?
- Vinyasa Joy & Freedom: Back to Basics is our best class for beginners. Class sizes tend to be smaller so you will get more personal attention. Classes move at a slower pace and poses are explained in greater detail so you can start off your yoga journey feeling safe and confident.
- Deep Stretch Yin, Gravity® Yoga, Restorative Yoga, & Deep Stretch Flow- are also great yoga classes for beginners as they are on the gentler side and move at a slower pace.
- Private 1 on 1 classes are a great way to begin your yoga journey. Private yoga sessions will offer customized instruction tailored to your body and are particularly helpful if you have a history of injuries. Please fill out or private yoga inquiry form to schedule your session or learn more.
- For more detailed recommendations be sure to checkout our class suggestions page.
Do you offer specials for new students?
Yes! As a new student, you can try your First 21 Days of Unlimited Yoga for only 50€. This is a great way to try out vinyasa yoga and experience different classes. After your intro month, if you’d like to continue with unlimited yoga, we’ve got your covered with our our Flexible Membership.
What should I bring to yoga class?
I suggest you bring a yoga mat, a hair elastic, and some water with you.
Some people like to bring towels.
Do you offer a referral program if I tell my friends and colleagues about the yoga studio?
- Yes! If you refer a friend to the studio and they sign up for our Flexible Yoga Membership, I will add a 50€ credit to your account! Make sure they drop your name when they come in.
- Want to practice yoga with your work colleagues? Connect us with your office manager or HR/Benefits team to get the conversation started.
Online or in person one to one sessions, in Geneva and Messery or via Zoom, at a time that suits you
Personal attention to focus on a tailored plan, or a specific issue.
A great idea if:
- you’re just getting started
- you have an injury/ niggle or complaint
- you want to focus on a particular pose
- Also, if you are a runner and want to have your running gait assessed – and a yoga plan to support your running.
You will be sent a recording of all sessions and come away with a home-practice plan.
After paying for your session here, you will be taken to complete a short form to provide some background information, what you would like to gain from the session, and what days and time suit you.
JOIN MY " Shape Your Body" PROGRAM
Start your Winter with Strong Immunity and High Energy!
Enroll for just 99 € / month
or 250 € for a 4 months
Yoga and calorie burning
While restorative yoga isn’t an especially physical type of yoga, it still helps in weight loss. One study found that restorative yoga was effective in helping overweight women to lose weight, including abdominal fat.
How often should you do yoga to lose weight?
Join me in the virtual space for 6 week weight loss and wellness program! We start Monday 8 November!
Who is this not for?
Who is this for?
So roll out the mat. Connect with your breath.
Join me.
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Happy Hormones Yoga
Balance your hormones naturally!
Private Yoga to Release Stress
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