BREATHE Private Yoga Studio
breathe in. breathe out. be present.
The studio can hold 4 students for physical classes and up to 6 for workshops.
All equipment/mats provided.
47 Route des Repingons
74140 Messery, France
With more than 6 years of teaching experience I would like to create a local mini studio to share my practice with others in my community. In 2022, with support from my family and clients I will open “Breathe” private yoga studio in the heart of Messery, France.
BREATHE welcomes those of all levels and offers a variety of classes aimed at promoting the strengthening of both mind and body. At BREATHE yogis can connect with their community while enjoying exercise in a non-competitive setting.
During these uncertain times, I offer a refuge for the mind, body and spirit. I offer a variety of class options, live stream, outdoor and in studio classes.
Please contact me if you have any questions regarding classes or schedule.
Hi! Welcome to BREATHE.
The Breath is a small Private Yoga Studio in the heart of Messery, offering a variety of Group and Private Yoga Classes, Strength Training Classes, Prenatal Yoga, Science of Stretching, Trapeze Yoga & Workshops.Private and Small Group Classes
I also offer private and small private group classes at a variety of locations in GE area and online. I’d say try the discovery classes first so you too can discover your path if you haven’t figured it all out. I can’t wait to welcome you to my yoga studio space soon. I graduated from the wheel teacher training too. I also offer wheel class from September. I’ll teach you the basics of yoga and get you started on your yoga journey! Vinyasa Flow is my principal style and to ensure a balanced yoga practice I also offer Gravity Yoga®, Yoga Trapeze® , Yoga Wheel Class, Yin & Restorative Yoga, Trauma Informed Yoga and Breathwork. Let's Practice Together! I also offer private and small private group classes at a variety of locations in GE area and online. I’d say try the discovery classes first so you too can discover your path if you haven’t figured it all out. I can’t wait to welcome you to my BREATHE yoga studio space soon.
Je m’appelle Carina. Passionnée par le bien être et la psychologie, je me suis formée pour devenir professeur et je l’enseigne aujourd’hui avec passion. Le Yoga fait pleinement partie de ma vie à présent. Il est l’équilibre qui me permet de vivre plus en accord avec celle que je suis.
Aujourd’hui, ma pratique de Yoga allie la respiration, le corps et l’esprit. Un mélange de spiritualité et de psychologie dans le mouvement du corps.
A compter de janvier 2022, je vous accueille dans mon nouveau studio de Yoga à Messery.
Le studio Breathe est exclusivement dédié au Yoga. Un lieu calme et paisible où vous serez accueillis avec bienveillance.
Tout a été pensé et conçu pour votre bien-être.
Les cours sont limités à 4 personnes maximum afin que vous ayez l’espace nécessaire entre chaque tapis. Du matériel de prêt est à votre disposition (tapis, sangle, briques, bolster).
Je souhaite vous accompagner à être pleinement à l’écoute de votre corps pour faire parler votre cœur. Aller à la rencontre de vous même, de votre étoile intérieure pour donner du sens à votre vie, et faire vibrer votre essence.
Nous avons tous le pouvoir et la liberté de choisir nos vies.
C’est ici et maintenant. Lâchez prise et laissez vous diriger par votre cœur.
Au plaisir de vous rencontrer.
My Yoga Alliance (YACEP) Qualified Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) Certifications:
- Yoga Body Certified Yoga Trapeze® Teacher
- Yoga Body
- Certified Gravity Yoga® Teacher
- Yoga Body 200-hour YTT Certification
- Certified YOGABODY®Breathing Coach
- 300 hr YTT My Vinyasa Practice
- Yin Yoga Teacher – My Vinyasa Practice
- Restorative Yoga Teacher – My Vinyasa Practice
- Adaptive Yoga Teacher – My Vinyasa Practice
- Trauma Informed Yoga- My Vinyasa Practice
- Yoga Nidra – My Vinyasa Practice
- Yoga Wheel Teacher – Ekaterina Zyrina

I'm a Writer, and RYT 500 Yoga Certified Yoga Teacher
I teach yoga because it makes people feel good about their bodies.
I’ve learned to accept myself more, and I want to give that to other people.
My students motivate me constantly. As a private teacher, I work one-to-one and try to really accomplish something specific with someone. There's something exciting about co-creating a journey from one point to another with a student. Teaching yoga is challenging and fulfilling, much like a regular yoga practice.
I put my heart and soul into the classes I teach through practicing cueing and sequencing, crafting fun playlists, getting to know my students beyond their first name.
Yoga is all about giving. I know that I have to take care of myself - I eat right, get enough sleep, and keep up my own practice..because how can I give if I have nothing? Happily, I have always something that inspires me, and practice what inspires me daily.
Yoga has honestly changed my life in every way: it’s my passion, it’s how I’ve made my closest friends and relationships, and it’s what inspires my daily life. It has made me more compassionate and patient both with others and myself. It has taught me non-judgement, knowing that everyone is on their own unique journey and that we are all doing our best.
I begin and end each yoga practice with gratitude. I gratitude for my body, how hard it works for me every day, remembering that being able to move freely in my body is the greatest blessing of all. We are given one body, so honour it, nurture it and love it. Embrace your gifts and embrace your uniqueness.
I believe that health and happiness depend on four factors:
- Staying true to your inner voice.
- Keeping a close group of friends or family who support you and have your best interests at heart.
- Trying new things and keeping an open mind, whether that is with new foods, cultures or exercises. It’s important to roll with the punches and not stay stagnant.
- Being physically active and moving your body regularly.
Why Yoga by Carina?
The answer is pretty simple. My name is Karina, but my friends call me Carrie and write me as Carina + l am not only yoga instructor. I’m also an astrology teacher and I love astronomy.
Carina is a constellation in the southern sky. It means the keel of a ship in Latin. Before, it was part of the constellation named Argo Navis. Then, Argo Navis was split into three constellations. The astronomer named Ptolemy listed Argo Navis when he made a list of 666 constellations.
The star named Canopus is in Carina. Canopus is the second brightest star in the night sky. The Carina Nebula is also in Carina. It is very large emission nebula. It is a region where stars form.

As a yoga teacher, here are my strengths:
- Consistency. I teach very strong, consistent classes every day, regardless of what’s going on in the studio or in my own life. I plan my classes well, I listen to students, and I am always “on” when I walk into the studio.
- Personal Attention. From my experience, students love the personal attention, so I always spend at least 15 minutes before and after class talking 1-on-1 with students, talking about problem poses, and supporting their yoga journeys.
- Community. I’ve noticed that students come to yoga for more than just the poses—they thrive on community as well. I love organizing special events such as “yoga in the park” in the summer or potluck dinners so that students not only grow personally but communally as well.

“You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.”
First of all, she's a modern Yoga Teacher. It is essential that yoga teachers’ knowledge of theory and practice surpasses the teachings of old, purely because the ancient yogi didn’t experience the same lifestyle factors, injuries, diseases, socioeconomic struggles and pressures we face today. The modern yoga teacher therefore bears a greater responsibility than ever before, not only through their duty of care, but through self-enquiry and desire for a greater sense of purpose. Yoga teachers today are required to understand and apply the benefits of all asana, bandha and pranayama practices, as well as possess a thorough understanding of contraindications in order not to exacerbate symptoms further.Carina has taught yoga for 2 years, she was accredited through the Yoga Teachers College. She was trained by Lucas Rockwood. Lucas Rockwood is an internationally-renowned yoga trainer, TEDx Speaker, podcaster, writer, and entrepreneur. His early yoga and meditation teachers include Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, Paul Dallaghan, Alex Medin, Gabriel Cousens MD, and SN Goenka. This method has an emphasis on the alignment of posture using breath control and is designed to systematically develop strength ( including core ), flexibility, stability, and body awareness, and can be therapeutic for a range of conditions. It is adaptable for anyone and uses props where needed.
Karina now works with adults, teens, young children and teaching Yoga and Mindfulness – using breath work and meditation ( age appropriate ), as well as other techniques including; art, colour, sensory attention work, role playing and brain gym to name a few. Karina’s Yoga teaching focuses on the connection to the breath and the feeling within the body. Her classes are creative and vary. They are tailored to accommodate the participants.
Karina is a writer, yoga teacher, author, runner, life and breath coach. She loves working out, running in the forest. She lives in Messery, France (not so far from Switzerland) with her husband, their 2 children and 3 dogs. She has created her own tarot deck because she felt drawn to share her knowledge of Tarot and motivation coaching+ inspire you to use the Tarot cards for personal growth and connecting with your center and find your own way.
Have you wondered how you could reset yourself mid-day after an intense interaction? Spend an hour learning about the mind/body connection. We will practice breathing techniques and guided Yoga poses that you can do at your desk with Karina Hubert, a Certified YTC Yoga Teacher.